I am always angry
Just like the hulk
anything sets me off
Is it written in the stars
Being born when I did
Makes me the way I am
Or am I a victim of circumstance
A product of my world
And the abuses of living
Growing up in an environment
That doesn’t have a space for you
They say that it takes a village
To raise a child in the world
I think that it takes a village
To sand away all of the edges
Off of a person
Take away all of the energy
All of the fight
we are all born kicking and screaming
It’s the most natural thing
And they beat it out of you
Until you just give in
And do what they say
My mother always says
You don’t get to do what you want
She’s a lost cause
She’s given up her fight
Lost to the committee of the world
Now she’s one of them
Joined their ranks
Like sailors on a hijacked ship
You join or you die
And death is terrifying
You have so much to live for
No one knows what happens
when you finally fucking die
But it’s in our nature to
Need to know what comes next
Where do we go from here
Will it be a good place
Or potentially a bad one
Descriptions tell of a paradise
A place where all imperfections,
All insecurities are stripped away
Others a place where you can have
Anything you’ve ever wanted
As a reward for not being a dick
Sounds too good to be true
Just like all of their promises
They are too good to be true
They don’t know what they say
It’s all conjecture
No one knows for certain
Have faith it works out
Or delude yourself enough to not worry
About everyone who doesn’t survive
The gauntlet of life
Who get chewed up and spit out
Cause they weren’t what was wanted
At the end of the day
You have always known
That you’re just an accident