Sipping whiskey calms me down
I can finally let the iron grip I keep on my life get a little looser
And my desperate need for control fades away
And I can close my eyes and smile
And feel good about the hell we're all living through
I'll kiss a stranger
I'll kiss my friends
And fall deeper in love with the idea of love
And be fine with never having it for myself
Because if I have a drink in hand it doesn't seem like such a crisis anymore
I don't want to grow up
And I don't want to be miserable
But sometimes I think it would be better to be anonymous
I try to be a mystery so people can't hurt me
But I'm bad at being enigmatic
I'll tell you everything for a drop of affection
But a drop of alcohol does the same thing
And I don't have to say a word
And it won't ask me to change
It isn't embarrassed of my wallet chain or scared of me when I cry
Learning to be comfortable in your own skin is hard
When it doesn't fit right without a few layers of makeup
And tight jeans and dirty band shirts from middle school
But my palms say it all
My fingers where I held the knife and put it down in place of starvation tell more stories than you could imagine
And they'll all come out with a few drinks
And I'll tell you I love you
And I mean it
I just need to get drunk enough
To tell you everything